There are lots of benefits to harvesting rainwater in Australiaas a means of conserving the earth’s water resources. Water covers about 70% of the surface of the earth and it includes lakes, rivers, inland seas, ponds, and groundwater (water that’s found below the surface). The rise in global population and rapid global industrialisation has led to an increase in water usage in several cities across the world, and as it’s utilised for farming, meeting the essential needs of humans and livestock, and irrigation facilities.
In recent times, as water distribution has become monopolised by several countries’ departments, humans must depend on their governments thus ending in a decrease in public contribution to water management and a disregard of old systems for conserving the life-saving resource. A survey has discovered that the typical public appears to hold the view that there are abundant resources when it comes to water availability, but they don’t appear to know the facts and figures of water quality which could be utilised for domestic purposes. For instance, neither water that’s found in marshes, swamps and salty lakes, nor seawater can be utilised for domestic purposes. Water that demands minimal treatment to be used can be gotten from ponds, wells, rivers, lakes, as well as from the groundwater table.
The imminent crisis
It’s a fact that several nations will be faced with the water crisis in the future and it is time for departments that are concerned to reform their management systems for water resources in Australia and around the whole world. Recent scientific systems and instruments have to be utilised for climatic conditions as well as the right procedures with law improvements as regards water conservation being recommended and implemented as soon as they can be. For all new measures to be taken on behalf of governments, active human participation has to be encouraged to ensure that it ends up a successful venture.
Rainwater harvesting via natural vegetation
Cultivation of fresh water plants and fauna helps in the prevention of the runoff of rain water and enables it to really percolate deep into the ground. The water then brings about increased levels of groundwater or ends up in an aquifer.
The rainwater harvesting strategy has been utilised right from the olden days (3rd century BC) in some parts of the world. The practised method involved the conversion of land areas into tanks, lakes, and wells as rainwater storage facilities. The public assumed responsibility for the maintenance of resources of water to be utilised for irrigation as well as domestic purposes.
Benefits of rainwater harvesting
Some of the foremost benefits of rainwater harvesting include;
- Having alternative water sources in case of any drought.
- Public participation.
- A decrease in soil erosion.
- Preventing floods in low-lying areas.
These are the foremost benefits that the world gets to enjoy from the harvesting of rainwater as a means of conserving global water resources. If you would love to be given additional information, or you have any unanswered questions about water, just try and contact the foremost water experts. They are always ready to help you with the necessary information for making the most informed water decisions.