A VNO license is a permit issued by the Department of Telecommunication that allows you to provide internet services using Virtual Network. From a subscriber’s standpoint, this license has paved the way for affordable internet access. And from an entrepreneur’s standpoint, it has it possible for even small entrepreneurs to become internet service providers.
That being said, acquiring the license is no easy task. There are details that you have to fill in this unified license’s application that are not easy to understand. Thus, before you file the application, you have to look at the analysis of UL VNO license application.
Details you’re required to fill in the VNO unified license application by DOT
Following are the general details that you need to fill in the VNO license application. For the sake of simplicity and to give you a more thorough view of the application, we have chosen to show you the offline application details.
- Name of the company: Starting from the top, the first thing that you have to enter in the application is the name of your company. It’s a detail that establishes your identity as an applicant and as a business entity.
- Postal address of the company: After company’s name, you’re required enter its complete postal address along with the contact information.
- Correspondence Address of the Company: Next comes the address and contact information that the DOT can use to conduct a follow up with you regarding several VNO license matters in India.
- Details of the person you’ve authorized to conduct VNO license application process: You are allowed to enter the details of only one authorized person. That person would act as your point of contact. It can be your DOT consultant or your company’s head. In any case, you have to enter the designation, address and contact information of that person.
- Details of the VNO license application processing fee that you’ve paid: Details of the VNO license fee i.e. the number mentioned on the Demand Draft, or your E payment or Bharatkosh transaction number.
- Documents that prove the existence of your company: In order to give certifiable proof of the mentioned details, you also have to provide a certified copy of Certificate of Registration, memorandum of Association and articles of Association of the company for which you’re looking to sign a VNO license agreement.
- Promoters, equity and net worth details: As it’s your company that’s the applicant, it would have Promoters, partners, shareholders and other types of people involved. Provide their names, their birth location, their equity and their net worth.
Furthermore, you also have to provide the complete break-up of 100 % equity. Here, you’ll provide information about how much of that percentage is Indian and how much is foreign contribution.
In case the foreign contribution in your ISP company is exceeding 49%, you have to attach the document that specifically states that. It has to be certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary. Also provide the net-worth of the company
- Details of Services that you’re providing: You’re essentially filing the application for Unified License, meaning that there is a single application form for all categories of VNO. Thus, you need to specify the name of the service and the area in which you want to provide it. They will inform the DOT which category of VNO ISP you’re looking to open.
- Details of the licenses by DOT that you already have: In case you have other business licenses that DOT has granted you under the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, provide details of the same. These details include name of the license, service area in which that license is applicable, License number and the date on which DOT authorized that license.
- Paid up capital Details: Provide the details of the paid up capital of your company via a certificate that should be duly signed by either a company or a statutory auditor.
- Details of the company heads: Provide the details of all the heads of the company including name of the chairman managing director or directors of the company and their nationality. Additionally, you also have to enter the details of the chief technical head, the chief financial officer and the chief executive officer of the company. Along with their names, also provide their designation and their nationality.
- Power of attorney: Provide a power of attorney stating that the board of directors of your company have authorized the authorized signatory to sign your application form.
List of Certificate and Undertakings to sign Unified License Agreement
When it comes to the matter of obtaining the VNO license, online apply means understanding the terms and conditions and agreeing to them till the validity period of the license. Thus, following are the undertakings that you need to take to obtain the MVNO license:
- Certify that you’ve understood the guidelines of the VNO license
- Certify that in case DOT finds your application incomplete, it will reject your application, and you won’t have any issues with that.
- Certify that once you’ve paid the non-refundable fee, you won’t ask the DOT to return it.
- Certify that you’ll sign the unified license agreement within the specified time after you get the VNO license.
- Certify that in case you’re not able to sign the license agreement within that time, you won’t hold DOT responsible for rendering your license null and void.
- Certify that in case the DOT later finds that you’ve obtained the license based on providing the wrong information, the license will be rejected.
With the right knowledge about the right details that you need to input, you can understand how to obtain the VNO license. Regardless, the details are still too complex for a lay person to understand. We also deal in bis license. Thus, your best bet would be to leave the application filing to the experts.