Nobody can understand the importance of a peaceful vacation better than a person who has to move from one place to another due to his professional responsibilities. You will agree that in the current scenario finding the sitting job on table and chair is like searching for the water in a desert. Today going through the cut throat competition in every industry the corporate sector is looking for the ready to go persons for exploring their business. Therefore, when it comes to go for a vacation most of the people working in such industries prefer to visit the places where they can find an abundance of tranquility and natural elements to enjoy mental and physical relaxation.
Interestingly, Paxos Island in the Greece is one such place which can be regarded as the boon for the person searching for some tranquil location to relax and enjoy their vacation in the arms of the nature. An interesting fact about the Paxos Island is that despite of being smallest island in the world, extended in the area of only 29 square kilometers, it offers everything to the visitors searching for peaceful location, good food, opportunity of living in the arms of nature and of-course sleeping for long hours without any disturbance.
Well, this at the first instance, might surprise you, but this is an extra-ordinary fact about the Paxos. This is mainly because it is visited by specific segment of the visitors due to the absence of an airport on the island. As an impact of this not only there is not much traffic on the roads which means less vehicles and moving ahead the absence of the airport makes this place untouched by any type of pollution. Well, now the question arises that if an island does not have even its airport how can the visitors reach on this island. Interestingly an answer to this question is through boat which could be hired from the nearby town Corfu, which is located at the distance of seven miles from the southern part of the Paxos Island.
Staying on the Paxos Island: As referred above the Paxos is extended over the area of only 29 square kilometers and that also surrounded by islets and islands expecting the presence of some luxurious hotel is like dreaming with open eyes. But, surprisingly, your myth will come to an end after reaching at the island, because there you will find some beautifully and well furnished villas to offer comfortable boarding facility to the visitors. The worth mentioning features about these villas in Paxos is that, depending upon your requirement you can select any of these villas. For instance, if you are a solo traveler you can select a villa with single room, kitchen, sitting area, garden, terrace, etc to satisfy the residential needs of a visitor. Similarly if you are visiting then you can find a big villa with three to four rooms for sleeping, dining, sitting, large veranda, terrace, garden, balcony behind the rooms to enjoy the beautiful view of the island due to any hour of the day according to your wish.
What you can do on the island? Although there are lots of people who think that as the Island is not much developed, but still it is blessed with all those amenities that are available in almost every well developed city across the world. Here also you find buses, cars, scooters, etc, but yes in limited number, which is mainly because the island is not bigger in size and can be explored even by walking. Moreover, as there are islets and islands, you can explore their beauty by hiring the boat depending upon your requirement. Anyhow, if you are a health conscious person then am sure, that you will not miss the chance of walking on the beaches of the island with naked feet over the crystal clear water.
Enjoying the local food and life of the natives: For the loss of a person’s life on an island means sleeping in the sunlight on the loungers and enjoying the taste of fresh juice. But, surprisingly, there are lots of things which you can enjoy at an island, besides taking a rest on the loungers. If you are a food lover then you have an opportunity of enjoying the food of the native cuisines. Enjoy an opportunity of viewing the rising and setting sun, which hardly has become quite difficult in the densely populated cities of the world. Moving ahead as there are cliffs on the island you visit them and try to find the hidden suspense behind them like a detective.
Enjoying the Events: It would be interesting to know that with an objective to entertain the visitors at the island different type of local events are being organized at the island, encouraging the participation from the visitors in the form of different contests. Interestingly, these contests are organized equally for the children and adults according to their age groups.
Conclusion: It would not be wrong to say that visiting the Paxos Island will change your concept of dull lifestyle an island, but will compel you to visit any of the islands during your every vacation.