How to Completely Get Rid of Dark Circles Under The Eye


You can have a dark circle under eyes surgery in Orange County to get rid of dark circles. There are also other ways that people use to get rid of dark circles under the eye. People are different and some remedies that work for one person may not work as well for another person. As it is with any form of treatment, it is good to review your plans with a qualified doctor before trying them. Here are some methods that people have used to get rid of dark circles under the eye.


Lack of sleep and fatigue can cause dark circles under the eyes. It can make you look paler and make your dark circles appear darker. It is necessary to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night and practice good hygiene when sleeping.

While a dark circle under eyes surgery orange county CA is the most effective way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you could get rid of dark circles through elevation as you sleep. Get extra pillows and put them under your head when you sleep to reduce the puffiness of the fluid pooling in the eyelids.


Eliminate sun exposure to your face.


You can use over the counter moisturizers to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Many of the moisturizers contain vitamin E, caffeine, hyaluronic acid, Aloe and retinol.

Tea bags

Get two tea bags and soak them in warm water and chill the bags in the fridge for a few minutes. Put a bag on each eye and wait for five minutes before removing the tea bags and then rinse the area with cold water.


Your doctor may recommend a to permanently remove dark circles under the eyes. This is the most expensive procedure so you need to have enough money for the surgery.


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