How To Effectively Identify The Most Authentic Salvia Plants

 Lots of individuals just ask questions like ‘where can I get salvia’ without even being able to recognize the ‘real thing’ when they see it. The amazing plant is native to Mexico’s tiny Oaxaca region. It was utilized by the native culture for spiritual ceremonies and divination. It remains used as a hallucinogen quite widely. Distinct characteristics enable you to distinguish it from basic garden herbs. While you could identify flowering or large plants via visual inspection, a smaller plant could demand extra efforts. Recognize a salvia plant by looking quite closely at its stem, flowers, and leaves.

Step #1

Estimate or gauge the height of the plant that’s in question. Salvia is capable of growing to be more than three feet in height and it sprouts a healthy supply of oval, broad leaves. The plant’s main stalk shoots up straight from the ground. The plant itself is truly sensitive and it seems as if you can definitely notice whenever it’s unhappy. Its leaves will begin to fall off and they will even turn into a yellow or even brown color before they do fall off.

Step #2

Collect a part of the stem of the plant and then break it into two halves quite gently. Take a look at the shape of the cross-section of the stem; it should appear to be more like a square instead of a perfect circle. The stems of authentic salvia plants are always found to be hollow.

Step #3

If the plant happens to be in bloom, then take a close look at the flowers. Salvia doesn’t flower too frequently, but it does produce spears of violet and white flowers occasionally. These are some of the foremost signs you should be seeking before even searching for the best place to buy salvia online so you can buy nothing but the best. Its flower-bearing stems normally shoot way above its natural foliage.

Step #4

You should feel some of the plant’s leaves with the fingers of your hand. The leaves of an authentic salvia plant should be crinkly and firm, much similar to the leaves of the lettuce plant. The leaves of an authentic salvia plant are also several inches in width and up to between five and six inches in length. The leaves which are oval-shaped and jagged always grow on alternating sides of the stem of the amazing plant.

Step #5

It’s virtually impossible to grow the plant from its seeds. The seeds are known to be rarely viable and they seldom develop into a matured salvia plant. Naturally, the matured and dying plant falls over and begins to produce roots thus growing to become several salvia plants again. This is the reason why you frequently get patches of the plant in the wild. Due to its origins that lie in rainforests, the plant does best in conditions that are truly humid.

These are the steps you should take to recognize the authentic salvia plant before you even start asking the ‘where can I get salvia’ question. This is because these steps will help you in ensuring that you go for nothing but the original when buying.

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