Preparing for your University of Tasmania graduation event or ceremony is very important. You should get your gown on time and make sure that it fits you well. You should also make sure that the gown’s colour tallies with what the institution permits. Graduation gowns should be taken good care of to avoid being penalised on the day you return the gown. Here are some tips to follow to maintain your graduation gown.
Washing the gown
When you receive your gown, it should be ready to wear. It should be clean and free from smell. However, your gown may be dirty and you may want to wash it. Shiny gowns should be hand washed while Matte gowns can be washed using washing machines.
You will require very little wrinkle management for shiny UTAS graduation gown hire. You just have to hang them on a hanger for a day to release the wrinkles. You can steam them on low heat if you want to use them immediately. You can iron matte gowns or press it on the very low heat. Make sure you place a towel between the iron and the gown.
Graduation caps
Whether your caps are matte or shiny, you don’t require a lot of care for your caps. You should just keep your caps in a dry location to prevent the caps from absorbing moisture. You should take good care of the mortar-board and keep your graduation caps flat.
Storing gowns and caps
After your ceremony, you may want to store the gown for a couple of days before returning it. The best way to store your graduation gown and cap is in a plastic case that has a tight lid. This is to prevent the gown from absorbing moisture which can later attract mould. You can place deodorants inside the case with the gown.