Journalists are the people who dedicate themselves to journalism, in any of its media, whether in the written press, radio, television or digital media. His work consists of discovering and investigating topics of public interest, contrasting them, synthesizing them, ranking them and publishing them. To do so, he resorts to reliable and verifiable journalistic sources. This is how he develops his articles, which can take various forms for dissemination: oral, written, visual.
There are several principles that guide the work of the journalist, the principal of which is the respect for truth, rigor in finding the information credible and verifiable. In general, a journalist is considered to be a good journalist who gets relevant, brief and accurate information in the shortest possible time.
With the digital revolution have emerged three types of journalism: traditional journalism, participatory journalism and citizen journalism, which is used by traditional media that request citizens to share with the media news that occur in their environment with audio reports, photos or videos.
The Journalist like Mathieu Chantelois is that person who is professionally engaged in journalism through any media, whether it is print, radio, television and / or digital media. The work of a journalist like Mathieu Chantelois is associated with the investigation of news or issues of public interest and current affairs through various verifiable sources for dissemination. The figure of the journalist is wide and, according to his performance environment, can occupy the role of reporter, editor, editor, photographer, designer, technician and others.
If we talk about the principles that govern this practice, we cannot leave aside the search and respect for the truth, the investigative rigor and the dissemination of that information relevant to public opinion. When it comes to the study of professional journalistic practices, the deontology of the journalist is discussed.
A journalist can have different specializations, such as environmental, scientific journalism, cultural journalism, economics journalism and sports journalism.
Environmental Journalist:
It is responsible for topics related to man and his natural environment. It includes everything from agricultural, livestock, meteorological, to social, economic, and political aspects of what the environment has to do with it. Ecological research and diffusion to preserve the planet.
Scientific Journalist:
Is one that fulfills a systematic and professional relationship between scientific knowledge and society ; Its main goal is to make science a knowledge for the general public with informative and didactic character .
Cultural Journalist:
It is that journalist who is responsible for the dissemination of events and the cultural expressions of a society through the mass media. In turn, it also aims to inform about events whose essence is the arts, music and crafts. Although this branch of journalism is extensive due to its broad term of what is known as> culture > it is important to highlight that a cultural journalist is one who promotes the mergers or renovations of past and contemporary cultures, with the sole function of raising awareness to your audience new manifestations of other places.
Economic Journalist:
He is a specialist journalist in the economic area, making known with a general vision the economic state of a certain country, the state of inflation, of the currency against the dollar, euro, etc.
Sports journalist is one who has general notions of sports. It gathers information about sporting events at local, national and international level, showing the news related to the different sports disciplines.