With modern technology and improvement in medical science, an increase in genomic lab test is been noticed. Genomic lab tests involve a huge cost which is why prior authorization plays a vital role in such lab tests.
There are two key factors that are seen mostly in genomic lab test are:
- Patients are seen delayed and tied up accruing prior authorization for genomic lab test. This delayed process is resulting in change of the treatment.
- Insufficient resources unable to keep up to date with the current rules and regulation related to prior authorization for genomic lab test.
As prior authorization is seen as a burden for almost all physicians American Medical Association (AMA), American’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), and other industry stakeholders on January 2018 released a statement for improving prior authorization process. The statement deals with:
- Distinguishing prior authorization application based on best medical practices, provider’s performance or any sort of contractual obligations.
- Regularly reviewing the treatments that are subjected to prior authorization and removing unnecessary authorization procedure.
- Effective communication helps in faster work progress. Constant communication among providers, patients and insurers can reduce potential authorization delay and have proper operational transparency authorization process.
- Continuity should be maintained and given importance when patients are already undergoing the treatment.
- Proper usage of updated electronic prior authorization portal helps in faster workflow with operational transparency updated report.
Even with the above statement prior authorization is still a problem for most of the healthcare provider. As the process not only requires a lot of patience and dedicated staff but also shifts focus from patients care. This is why healthcare providers are opting for outsourcing prior authorization services.
Choosing the right operational extensional for a faster effective prior authorization becomes the question which health care providers finds difficult to answer.
Answer to Prior authorization:
Sunknowledge Service Inc a decades-old medical billing organization is known for its specialized prior authorization solution ‘PriorAuth Online‘ in the healthcare industry. With decades of understanding, it understands and guarantees a 100% prior authorization submission on the same day. We also boost your current prior authorization rate by 1.5-2x. A 99.9% accuracy rate and highest productive metrics we provide a standalone/end to end service as low as $7 per hour.
Sunknowledge also Provides:
- Rx Order Entry
- Patient demographics & insurance entry
- Product Code/Rx & Dx Entry
- Eligibility verification/Authorization
- Collection of complete Rx
- Collection of documents for Auth approval
- Submission
- Rejection/denial management
- A/R Follow-up
Other Benefits of Sunknowledge:
- Operational transparency with turnaround time less than 24- 48 hours
- Guarantee 80% reduction in operational cost and 97% collection rate even from aging account.
- Customized reporting daily/weekly/monthly according to clients need.
- No contractual binding and no hidden cost
So leverage Sunknowledge’s benefit by calling our expert over a ‘no commitment call’. Our expert will help in your prior authorization for genomic lab process with a streamlined operation to generate cash flow for your organization. We are just a call away!