Statistics About Blogs and Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Everyone tells you that creating content is important. But what does your company do with it? We give you 18 of the most relevant figures on blogging for content marketing. Until recently, online advertising was a trend. However, today’s consumer is very selective about the material they consume online, so they have installed some type of software blocking advertising messages. Therefore, according to the Content Marketing Institute, it has become important for the industry to look for ways to attract the customer with content relevant to their interests, and that it is not considered advertising by these tools.

The blog is one of the most trusted sources for online information:

The Technocratic company has presented surveys in which consumers and marketing executives have placed the blog as the fifth most reputable source of reference, after the news sites, Face book, retail sites and YouTube. With an effective SEO strategy, they are the gateway to quickly receive trends, statistics, recommendations and guidance to solve problems in the company or home.

Content marketing enhances the organic positioning of your company in search engines:

With the frequent changes to the algorithm of Google or Yahoo, the best way to position yourself is to constantly write material associated with the interests that the consumer seeks to answer in these search engines. According to Hub Spot, 1 in 10 blogs become recurrent and continue to grow in number of visits over time, which implies that the organic search for these increases over time.

Statistics about blogs and content marketing

Your Content Marketing should make you feel proud:

Do not settle for little. Create things that you feel proud of. Fight to do a good job. When you encounter an obstacle, find a better way to overcome it. Connect Pal is a content platform, one where anyone can sign-up and post content. Through ConnectPal’s service a user can set up his own page for readers to subscribe and can get paid for his hard work when a reader subscribes to his page.

Questions that will keep you on track:

Does the information really help the reader:

  • You are really solving your problem (“this is how you increase your sales”) or masking the product information as advice (how to increase your sales = booking a demonstration with our sales team “).
  • Is it rooted in a specific, tangible and real customer problem? Stop spending time on social networks is not a problem. But spend four hours trying to create social media reports in Excel for your boss, if it is.
  • Is the content fake? You already know what the problem is (the customer wants more sales coming from Instagram) but does your advice really show you how to solve it? To make clients successful, your board has to offer concrete steps to help them solve their challenges.
  • Is the council applicable? After reading the content, what can the reader to apply to your business immediately?
  • Are you proud? Is it simple advice? Does it sound real? Is it something you would share with your friends?

Work so your audience does not have to do it:

Spend five hours reading about trends in the industry and then summarize what you have found. This saves readers time: they only have to read 10 minutes to learn what it took you five hours to find.

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