Did You Know That You Can Achieve 51% ROI In Just 5 Years?

Bajaj finance FD

The core purpose of any investment that we make is to maximize the possible returns. Investing your hard-earned money is one way of doubling or tripling the existing capital. 

How to earn higher returns is pretty synonymous to where to invest. You can earn money by relying on your hard work but investing is more of a smart game. Check your risk appetite – how much of percentage loss are you willing to bear in your investment. 

The primary motto of any investment is high returns and safety and security are of paramount importance. Thus, smart investment decision requires you to find a balance between the two and go for a stable yet lucrative option. Banks currently offer 7 – 7.7% interest rate on FDs and with a further cut in rates by the central bank, you should look at company FDs as a Smart investment option for FDs. Among company FDs, Bajaj Finance FD has been ranked as one of the safest investment options with stable ratings of MAAA (stable) from ICRA and FAAA (stable) from CRISIL. 

Achieving 51% ROI in 5 years 

Are you aware that Bajaj Finance FD can achieve 51% ROI in just 5 years? To know clearly about it, go through the below-mentioned points-

  • High-interest rates Bajaj Finance offers high-interest rates starting from 8.6% and goes to as high as 8.95% which is much higher than many other NBFCs and banks. Senior citizens get an additional interest rate of 0.35% whereas Bajaj Finance employees get an additional interest rate of 0.25%. Returning customers get an additional 0.10% on renewal.
Investor Type Interest rate Principal Amount Tenor Return ROI
New customer 8.6% ₹5 lakhs 5 years ₹2,55,299 51%
Senior citizens 8.95% ₹5 lakhs 5 years ₹2,67,549 54%
Existing customers 8.85% ₹5 lakhs 5 years ₹2,64,033 53%

    This is the simplest and most hassle-free way get 51% ROI in just 5 years using the Bajaj Finance fixed deposit.

  • Flexible tenorBajaj Finance FDs offers you a flexible tenor along with the flexibility in the amount you can choose for your fixed deposit. The minimum amount for creating an FD is ₹25,000 and it goes maximum to ₹5 crores. You can choose any tenor between 12-60 months. Choosing a profitable amount and tenor can give you really high Return On Investment (ROI) of up to 53%.
  • Cumulative and non-cumulative FDBajaj Finance offers you both cumulative and non-cumulative fixed deposit choices. It is advised to choose the cumulative option as it gives you better results with high-interest income. 
  • Fluctuation ProofOne of the best features of the Bajaj Finance FD is that it remains aloof to the market fluctuations. This means that no matter what the market situation is, your money will remain safe and you will get the assured profit. This is one thing which makes the doubling of the ROI possible. With no volatility in your interest earned, earning 51% ROI is a simple matter of 5 years with these FDs.

Before making any investment in the Bajaj Finance FD, you must use the FD interest rate calculator on the website to know the exact amount of maturity.

For instance, if you invest ₹5 lakhs for a fixed tenor of 5 years, as an existing customer, you will receive a maturity amount of ₹2.64 lakhs. The Return on Investment here is 53%. Likewise, you can enter any amount and tenor in the FD calculator and check the result for the same. It will help you create the right FD investment for you.

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