In a revenue cycle, eligibility verification plays a very vital role. Without an efficient verification process, it is hard to achieve a successful claims procedure. Even at times, it may also add up your account receivable days and even lower the average revenue.
This is why finding the right operational extension that helps you with proper eligibility verification is very important. Sunknowledge Services Inc a 360-degree medical billing solution performing task-specific services is a perfect fit to your eligibility verification especially in DME, as more than 50% of our work involves in DME domain.
Working for ages with both providers and payers Sunknowkedge has earned excellent industries reference for its successful solution. Excel in performing a task-specific activity such as DME order entry, DME eligibility verification, and authorization, doctor office follow –up, patients calling, etc only at $7 per hour as service charge is rare in this domain. Our well-equipped resources even ensure proper calling to the doctor as well as patients for relevant documents needed during the process. Even, our team is equally skilled and has experience in working on different billing software according to industries standard along with a 99.9% accuracy rate. With the highest productive metric, we, in fact, can beat and meet any price in the market.
Sunknowledge DME Eligibility Covers:
- Policy active for date of service
- DME coverage
- Copay / Coinsurance / OOP
- Rx & Dx entry (with appropriate timeframe)
- Provider status (INN / OON)
- CSI check
- Authorization requirement
- Obtaining authorization
- Patient responsibility
Ensuring an 80% reduction in operational cost, a robust reporting according to the client’s protocol with a no binding contract is definitely worth a try.
So if you are thinking about increasing your cash flow with the streamlined operation, leverage Sunknowledge benefits. We have the ability to provide state of art service in all the medical billing services only at $7 per hour. So call us over a no-commitment call and let our team help you with a complete action plan that transpires better ROI in the best possible manner.