A Smart School will make full use of smart and active technology, from integrating the entire curriculum, pedagogy, evaluation, teaching-learning content, and using the student management system to prepare students for the information age in which we live. Smart school classes, with the teachers as a facilitator, can be technology-driven and learner-centric. To successfully engage learners, teachers have better teaching resources. Virtual classrooms provide more flexibility for students to build, experiment, explore and guide the class.
Instead of the conventional blackboard with its chalk and talk, a smart classroom will require a smartboard or whiteboard. Whiteboards make it possible to view many different media types, such as images, diagrams, maps, graphs, games and videos.
How can a school become a smart school?
- As smart school software now helps maintain all school records in one place, schools no longer need to maintain ledgers and cumbersome paperwork.
- Tablets and computers will replace pens and notebooks.
- Being a smart school enables teachers to reach students around the world and build vibrant online learning communities.
- Via online meetings and collaborations, students in a smart school are exposed to students from other parts of the world.
- Smart school software includes an ERP, student management systems, and LMS features, making it easy to run and maintain any school processes.
- Schools can store all their data in the cloud and stop worrying about lost data and the time it takes to retrieve it.
It is essential to cautiously answer whether a smart school model will have a greater effect on learners than routine models. It is essential first to consider the teacher’s role in a student’s life before a declaration can be made in favour of the smart school model.
A teacher has high expectations from students about their level of learning and their actions and value inculcation and motivates their students to fulfil those expectations. Teachers understand individual differences and teach appropriately among their students.
They also understand that if their unique culture, context and talents are understood by the teacher in the way they teach, students learn better. Using a variety of pedagogies, educators use strategies that better suit their students’ learning needs. By linking to the internet and motivating their students to do so, this may involve technology use.
And above all, teachers encourage a love of learning in their learners. Students also learn on their own as well as with and from others, in addition to teachers. They share information and draw assistance from a colleague who has a greater understanding of the topic than they do.
It must be acknowledged that the teacher will always play a vital role in the classroom in terms of achieving smart learning habits, even if he is using interactive guidance. Digital activities and traditional human-facilitated activities would define parallel and interdependent instructional methods.
The machine will not replace the human teacher’s function, but to improve their knowledge, the students will not be dependent on the teacher or textbook alone. They will learn to explore the web and discover new ways to learn. The use of ready-made teaching-learning tools complete with testing methods for learning results would also undoubtedly lead to smart learning practices.
Merits of a Smart School:
- Classroom access to online services.
- Notes such as presentations, images, etc. will be in a digital format and students will not write down anything, but receive it on the mail or in a pen drive instead.
- To make up for missed lessons, the absentees will find it beneficial.
- With the help of multimedia rather than chalk and speaking, complicated topics can be better understood.
- Learning, particularly for the visual learner, will become more enjoyable.
- A better understanding would result in better student success.
- A welcome change would be the prospect of video conferencing with expert teachers in the classroom.
How smart schools and student management systems help students and teachers?
The culture of a smart school helps to modernize education. The Smart School programme supports equal access to learning opportunities. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning can be improved. Communication and teamwork can improve; it teaches new working methods, such as ICT and data literacy. Students can learn skills for life and career and personal and social responsibility.
Having said that, secondly, this seems to have always been the purpose of education and is not necessarily connected to smart teaching methods of learning. The key difference may be to bring these aims to a wider variety of learners rather than to a limited social elite class by smart schools.
Education has to be provided to more people if the nation needs a well-educated population, which can happen through educational technology. Once students recognize that, without the constant guidance of teachers or tutors, they can play a significant role in their learning, they will explore new avenues; may become entrepreneurs, inventors, learn to compare and contrast, analyze, think out of the box, develop critical thinking skills, develop the curiosity to learn more and more and be tech-savvy.
To strengthen their lessons and be continuously online to ensure they are up-to-date, teachers will have to familiarize themselves with all these tools, such as information databases, online video and news articles.
For example, teachers will have to learn about technology integration, how to connect instruments such as microscopes, document cameras, cameras or video cameras to a whiteboard to assist with teaching and how to incorporate interactive learning resources with a wide range of software applications
Online learning applications, e-learning courses, online multimedia classes, educational blogs, online training, online two-way communication, online video chat, high-speed Internet speed, etc., will be tracked.