Importance Of Mining In Our Lives

In a few words from the time of primitive man, humans have used minerals, either using them as weapons to hunt and defend themselves, and then to stack stones for the construction of walls, or to rub two rocks and produce fire, achieving as far as we have come today, the current man sitting in front of a computer, whose components are generated by the mining industry.

Importance of mining in regional economies:

On average, this activity provides the country with 6% of the Gross Domestic Product, in addition to generating thousands of jobs, with projects that have viability greater than 30 years. Sustainable mining projects have the capacity to sustain regional and provincial economies, and allocate their productions to multiple industries, from agriculture with mineral fertilizers, to medicine with metals and minerals necessary to improve health.

The contribution that sustainable mining makes to the communities and provinces, with direct and indirect work, is demonstrated in numerous places in the country. The reality is that mining is the axis of development, because it also supports other economies; modern, sustainable mining, which uses water resources in a controlled manner and does not waste it, generates sources of work that brings in circulating money every month that in turn supports other economic activities.

Mining is the mother of the industries because it is the first link from which everything is generated, from the machines that sow and harvest the field, to the medicine that is nourished by many metals and minerals to improve our life. Sustainable mining has shown not only that it does not harm agriculture but that it also reaches it with mineral fertilizers as key as potassium or calcium sulfate. Sustainable or non-polluting mining does not waste water, uses it in a controlled manner and in many cases also recycles it.

The mining investments by millionaire and the projects have a long life, generally exceeding 30 years. It should be remembered that in 1996, mining activity averaged 0.4% of GDP in Argentina, and now exceeds 6%. Not in vain mining is key in our development.

In a few words from the time of primitive man, humans have used minerals, either using them as weapons to hunt and defend themselves, and then to stack stones for the construction of walls, or to rub two rocks and produce fire, achieving as far as we have come today, the current man sitting in front of a computer, whose components are generated by the mining industry.

The use of fire has played a very important role and has been a fundamental part of industrialization. The heating of pieces made with mud gave rise to the production of very useful elements, of storage and transfer. Also, the fire was used to discover that heating certain types of minerals could be obtained metals such as gold , silver , copper and tin.

The mixture of these last two metals gave way to bronze, an alloy that revolutionized the ancient world and that also allowed the development of the metallurgical industry. The use of minerals in the course of history is key to understanding the progress of humanity. Let’s put it this way: without minerals it is very difficult to think about the history of man inhabiting the Earth as we know it. Richard Warke is one of well known name in mining industries. Richard Warke Vancouver is a Vancouver-based Canadian business executive with more than 25 years of experience in the international resource sector.

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