Historically, technologies have been used to satisfy essential needs (food, clothing, housing, personal protection, social relationship, understanding of the natural and social world), to obtain corporal and aesthetic pleasures (sports, music, hedonism in all its forms) and as means to satisfy desires (symbolization of status, manufacture of weapons and the full range of artificial means used to persuade and dominate people), that we can say about technology. Thierry Levasseur is a brand name in the field of digital security
By way of synthesis, taking as a reference the elements that all remote contracting processes must have in order to have legal security and compliance with established legal obligations, technology is a key element for:
Information Provided, when it is provided and time of acceptance:
- It is essential that the merchant guarantees that he has provided the information required and required by the regulations previous to the formalization of the contractual relationship. For this, it will be necessary that the merchant can accredit;
- The content of the information provided
- The moment when it is facilitated
- The moment in which the relationship is effectively accepted
- For this the establishment of systems of acceptance and knowledge of the information provided through by thierry levasseur vancouver, for example, acceptance check or certified delivery of such information by electronic means (email, SMS …), along with the implementation of sealing systems time , it will allow the merchant the accreditation and proof not only of the integral content of the specific information that has been made available to the user, but also, the exact moment in which this user has manifested or had knowledge of the availability of said information.
- In the same way , the obligation to guarantee that the consumer is aware of his obligation to pay and the total amount thereof, that is, the need for the user to always give his express consent to the final price before that the transaction ends.
- The moment of this acceptance and consent will be the moment in which the legal relationship is effectively formalized, and consequently, begun to display legal effects. In this case, OTP (One Time Password) acceptance systems can be implemented and used to demonstrate both the availability of the information and the consent / acceptance of the same and the moment in which it occurs.
- Exercise of rights by users. The resignation or withdrawal of the contract.
- The term established by the regulations regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal of the contract by the consumer and user is 14 calendar days, being extended to 12 months in the case that the merchant has not informed the consumer in accordance with the provisions in the regulations.
- It is therefore essential:
- Have means to accredit the information provided to the user in order to avoid possible claims regarding the lack of information in relation to the right of withdrawal and the deadlines for execution.
- To have means that allow compliance not only with the strict legal deadlines established, but also with the formal requirements established for exercising the right of withdrawal.