Dogs benefit hugely from dog training and puppies from puppy training in Tustin. The optimum age to start training a puppy is around 8 weeks, although some people start as early as 6 weeks and others as late as 12 weeks. The truth is that it is never too late to start training your dog, and if you are suddenly encountering behavioral problems, or you have a rescue dog, then take the dog to training now!
Dogs are really smart and they can learn new behavioral patterns at any time. The trick is to find a really good dog trainer and dog training school, one that uses positive reinforcement only.
Training is generally twice a week, sometimes less and sometimes more depending on what your dog needs, as you have to do training homework at home too. Dog training is fun and something to be embraced by the whole family.
Who should take your dog to dog training?
This is a good question to ask the dog trainer when you sign up for dog training. They will tell you that it is best for the primary dog carer to take the dog for training. If the dog is spending most of his time with you, and if you are the one looking after and caring for the dog, then you should probably be the one taking the dog for training. But this is not to say that nobody else can take your dog for training, or join you, it should just be pretty consistent as to who takes the dog.
Find a dog training school close to your home, as no dogs like travelling too far and neither do most people. Dog training should suit you and so find a dog training school that works for you from a time point of you. It is never too late to start puppy training in Tustin.